Salut à tous, pour ceux qui veulent voir comment un "hacker" ou script-kid travaille (outre ce bon tutoriel), ou si vous souhaitez vous amuser sans nuire, je vous présente un jeux sympa: Uplink.
C'est un jeu de "hacking" parmi tant d'autres (Hacker Evolution, Street Hacker, etc...).
J'ai choisis de vous présenter celui-ci car il est disponible sur Win, Linux et Mac
J'ai trouvé une version sur internet, Uplink 1.55 (last revision), pour Win et Linux (désolé les Mac Users), avec pas mal de goodies, etc...
Download Bayfiles
Download Mediafire
*********************************************************************************** Uplink Kipp0's Collection *********************************************************************************** This is the most comprehensive Uplink Collection on the internet ******************************************* Included: 1. Uplink:Hacker Elite (Full PC/Linux Game) 2. Uplink Bonus CD 3. Uplink Developer CD 4. The entire Uplink Soundtrack - IN BOTH MP3 AND ORIGINAL FORMATS! 5. Hacker's Manifesto (A MUST READ!!!) 6. Latest Game Patches 1.55 (Officual) AND the IMPROVED 1.60 (Unoffical, fan-based) 7. ALL GAMEBIBLES ( 1 - 4 ) - YES EVEN BOOK 2 - DECRYPTED!!! 8. Tools for Decrypting the dreaded Gamebible Book 2 (This is legal) 9. Themes for Uplink FIND COOL UPLINK MODS @ You can also check out other fansites (for mods and stuff): ******************************************* Instructions: 1. Go to "uplink-bin", if you're a Win user go to "install", else go to "linux" 2. Run "Setup.exe" (located within the "install" folder) 3. Patch the game (Recommended) to the latest version 4. Launch Game 5. Give your new agent a username/password/gateway location 6. It will give you a letter & number like "W" & "13" 7. Run KeyGenerator.exe (you'll notice it's REALLY SMALL, which is a good sign) 8. Input the letter & number uplink gives you *Make sure its the letter/number combo next to the textbox (in the game) 9. Play the game. Perhaps you'd like a theme? Check out the extras folder! ******************************************* Contributors: -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Slaxor for the original gamefiles -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Carobeppe for the extremely small & clean keygen -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Antilag for the "Uplink Ultimate Collection" pack View Antilag.nfo (use notepad) for more information -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Carver for their customized version of "redshirt" -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>The non-douchebagish members of the Uplink Forums (very few of those!) -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>An unknown coder for the "Uplink Gamebible Book 2 Decrypter.exe" You will forever be in our hearts -------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>Lastly, ME! =p -------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank all the contributors for making this possible. I'd also like to thank you for downloading (and seeding *nudge nudge*) Please keep this torrent alive by seeding, so that others may enjoy it ~Kipp0