Voici un scanner de ports "de base". A améliorer !
#!/usr/bin/php #THC PortScanner #Syntax : [Target-IP] [start_port] [end_port] #example: php ./THC_PS.sh 1 200 #This line will scan the target IP from port 1 to 200 #Scanner <?php error_reporting(0); $host = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $start = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $end = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; $delay = 1; function USAGE() { print("PHP Port Scanner - Version: 1.0" . "\n"); print("by \"THC\"" . "\n"); print("\n"); print("Usage: php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} [hostname] [start_port] [end_port]" . "\n"); print("\t" . "Example: php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} google.com 1 150" . "\n\n"); die(); } if($_SERVER['argc'] != 4) USAGE(); for($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { $fp = fsockopen($host, $i, $errno, $errstr, $delay); if(getservbyport($i, 'tcp') == '') { $protocol = "unknown"; } else { $protocol = getservbyport($i, 'tcp'); } if($fp) { echo "port $i [$protocol] open on $host" . "\n"; fclose($fp); } else { # Uncomment the next line if you want to see Closed ports too. # echo "port $i [$protocol] open on $host" . "\n"; } flush(); } ?>