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Logiciel ULM Unified List Manager

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  • Logiciel ULM Unified List Manager

    Je vous presente ULM pour ULM Unified List Manager un logiciel qui gagne à être connu, il peut notamment convertir vos wordlists en MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, NTLM .... et plus encore !!!

    Tiré de ce site qui est une petite mine d'or (sinon direct download Megaupload en fin de page)

    ULM Version 0.80x B118


    As the name suggests "Unified List Manager" attempts to incorporate mini tools in a single user friendly interface to help you manage lists, not only are tools provided to sort lists but included are analysis functions to give you detailed information about the contents of your lists. Other functions include hashing of lists, down/up sizing and trimming of lists and yes it's free.

    List Merger (Vertical):
    Can merge multiple lists into a single file
    List Merger (Horizontal):
    Can combined two lists itemwise
    List Splitter:
    Can split large lists into smaller lists by user defined items per list
    Cross Checker:
    Checks one list against another and removes items from that list if found in other
    Delimeter Conversion:
    Converts between LF/CrLF/User Defined delimeter

    Analysis Tools:
    Analyses the charsets of the list (Numbers, Symbols, Upper, Lower, Special, etc)
    Char Per position analysis (The occurance of a character in particular position)
    Pattern Analysis (Items starting/ending in numbers, number of consecutive numbers/symbols/toggles)
    Chaining Analysis (The occurance of two letters in an item, eg: AB, AP, bM, Oo, 9n, p0, etc)
    Frequency Analysis (The frequence of each item in a list)
    English (nouns, adjectives, verbs, isoforms, palindromes in a list)

    Case Tools:
    Converts a list to upper/lower
    Converts first char to upper
    Converts first char to upper rest to lower
    Case toggling
    All possible case mutations

    Charset Tools:
    Contains functions to parse out elements which don't fit a requirement such as:
    Removing/keeping items with symbols, numbers, special
    User defined charset

    Hashing of lists to:
    MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (256), RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-320, NT

    Line Tools:
    Removal/Retain items which contain "user defined string"
    Prepend to each item
    Append to each item

    Misc Tools:
    Saves items in a list if meets length requirement
    Reverse items in a list
    Generate all character mutations, e.g: ABCD -> ACBD, DBCA, BCAD, etc
    Replace multiple chars per item
    Find and replace

    Slice Tools (Trims items in a list)
    Trims items starting/ending with numbers/symbols
    Trims items not ending with alpha
    Trim before/after position
    Trim before/after "user defined string"

    Sort tools:
    Sorts items into 16 lists by length
    Sorts alphabetically (large/small list support)
    Sorts items by length

    Rules: (currently disabled)
    Dernière modification par vances1, 12 octobre 2011, 06h40.